Mediation & Evaluation Services

Calm The Chaos, Center for Mediation and Evaluation Services LLC is dedicated to facilitating dialogue between parties in conflict. We serve as an impartial intermediary, offering guidance and support to ensure productive communication. Our goal is to assist disputing parties in identifying shared interests and working collaboratively towards mutually beneficial solutions. Through our commitment to constructive problem-solving, we strive to transform conflict into opportunity for agreement and understanding.

Collaborative Divorce

Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation is a voluntary, confidential process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, assists a divorcing couple in reaching agreements on various aspects of their divorce. This can include issues such as division of assets, child custody, visitation schedules, and spousal support. The mediator facilitates communication and helps the couple explore options and negotiate mutually acceptable solutions. Unlike a courtroom setting, divorce mediation empowers the individuals involved to make decisions about their future, promoting a more amicable and cooperative resolution to the dissolution of their marriage.

Image for divorce mediation. Photo for Calm The Chaos, mediation and evaluation services in New Jersey.

Your Child & You

Child Custody Evaluations

A New Jersey custody evaluation is a comprehensive assessment conducted by a mental health professional.

Child custody evaluations aim to determine the most suitable custody arrangement for a child amidst divorce or separation. They encompass interviews, observations, and occasionally psychological testing of parents, children, and pertinent individuals. The objective is to furnish the court with a comprehensive understanding of family dynamics, the child's requirements, and each parent's capacity to fulfill them. The report aids judges in making custody and visitation decisions that prioritize the child's well-being.

Image for child custody. Photo for Calm The Chaos, mediation and evaluation services in New Jersey.

Clinical Expertise

Forensic Evaluations

A New Jersey forensic evaluation refers to a comprehensive assessment conducted by mental health professionals. These evaluations are crucial for determining the psychological state of individuals and their ability to stand trial, comprehend legal situations, or provide reliable testimony. The findings from forensic evaluations are integral to ensuring that justice is served, while also respecting the rights and psychological well-being of those involved.

Image for forensic evaluations. Photo for Calm The Chaos, mediation and evaluation services in New Jersey.

Immigration Assessments

Immigration Evaluations in New Jersey

Dealing with the complexities of the U.S. immigration system can be emotionally and mentally exhausting for individuals and families. In cases such as asylum, hardship waivers, or U-Visas, documenting psychological and emotional factors is crucial. Immigration evaluations by a licensed mental health professional offer vital support. Calm The Chaos in New Jersey provides thorough, compassionate immigration evaluations for attorneys and their clients, delivering detailed, accurate reports that can greatly influence the outcome of their cases. These assessments are key in providing strong, supportive evidence during immigration proceedings.

Image for immigration evaluations. Photo for Calm The Chaos, mediation and evaluation services in New Jersey.

Abel Assessment

Psychosexual Evaluations

This assessment is utilized to develop tailored treatment plans for individuals with sexual behavior concerns, especially in the context of rehabilitation and risk management. Additionally, it is commonly employed by courts during sentencing, particularly to evaluate the likelihood of recidivism and determine an individual’s need for ongoing treatment.

Image for forensic evaluations. Photo for Calm The Chaos, mediation and evaluation services in New Jersey.